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Total Bath Systems’ parent company, Total Mechanical Systems, was started in 2001. We have been doing bathroom renovations, including bath and shower installations, for the majority of this time! Trust that we only deliver quality results that guarantee your satisfaction.
Fall in Love with your Bathroom Again!
$1,400 OFF!
Samuel Mueller (Only Gold & Silver) and BCI Etched only.
Not to be combined with any other coupons. Not valid on Safeway steps. Not valid on Wholesale Special. Good for an initial visit only.
Expires 2/28/2025

Contact Us for More Information
We want to become your trusted bathroom remodeler, so call Total Bath Systems today at (860) 410-6950. We welcome your questions and comments.
Customer Reviews
Chuck was a very good salesman explained everything clearly and very helpful.
Brandon was very knowledgeable, professional and made the process very easy to get our new bathroom installation setup. I highly recommend using him.
To be fair I did not have an installation done - strictly because I won’t decide under pressure - the option was to save almost 5k by committing immediately at the time of consultation (I still had 2 other vendors coming the same day to consult). But 5 stars for Brandon- he was on top of his game!
Brandon was great during our consultation- very clear and friendly, provided honest feedback, and he never pressured us into buying anything.
Walter was the most professional representative ever. His knowledge and presentation was exceptional. He was extremely courteous and responsive to all our questions. Highly recommended!

Contact Us

Mon – Thu: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat - Sun: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM